Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Escape Muscles

Recently in the 13 story building I work in we had a fire alarm go off which meant evacuation; 13 floors of people going down, that's another story.  In fact I made two trips down thirteen floors in an hour and while I felt fine, two days later I woke in the middle of the night with my left calf screaming, and had to think for a moment where the pain came from.  Then this week (the week of September 11) we were in Vegas for four days and I began to think about "escape muscles" as I sat and watched the media replay some of the film clips.

While I have talked about getting in shape, this is a different set of muscles I want you to consider.

Quick escape muscles-
 The calf muscles needed to quickly make it down however many number of stairs there are in your building, whether that's home or work or a hotel.  But what if you have to carry someone down 20 floors? Even an 12 pound child can put a strain on your muscles. 
So what do I suggest? While not being a physical fitness person, I am going to make it a point to go down the thirteen floors of my work building a couple times per week. And as I posted a couple of weeks ago,  I have renewed the weight lifting that I was "too busy" to do. Building my arms and shoulder girdle muscles. But the walking down stairs is another screaming thing all together.
Get walking down.

Disaster Dave

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