Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do a little everyday to make you and your family more resilient

 In a recent report by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) this has been a record year for disasters, of course we all know that from the news.While you may not have been directly affected by one of the 86 declared disasters, it doesn't mean you should relax.
As the article points out, pretty much wherever you live you are in danger from some type of natural disaster.  The website in the link below is very informative for the homeowner, halfway down the page is a search engine, put in your zip-code and it pulls up the natural disasters you should focus on.  Granted it's a pretty wide ranging list but still useful (my zip-code lists wildfires, not likely as I live in the city).
Think about what you can easily prepare for and then work your way to the harder issues.

Record # of Disasters in 2011

Do a little everyday to make you and your family more resilient


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