Friday, November 25, 2011

The Name of the Game

It is the holiday weekend, a time I usually take to reflect on the things I do.  I have been looking at my blog to see how I am doing in my mission to simplify and get people to take steps to survive the next disaster.  I seem to be fairly heavy in preparedness tags...
As I think through the steps we use in Emergency Management (Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Mitigation) it is apparent to me as an individual you have less to do during the last three steps; not that you have nothing to contribute but your power is in Preparedness.
Your biggest impact in helping your family and community make it through a disaster is by making sure you are prepared! While I want you think about the other steps your government takes during a disaster, I need to continue to guide you through becoming more prepared for the hazards you may encounter.
So I think I' am writing about the right things to guide you. Happy holiday- lets get prepared one step at a time.
Disaster dave

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